Level 3/4 Rehearsals
The Level 3/4 classes are combined for production routines for the Recital.
Miss Carolyn is allowing the CDDS Level 3/4 classes to take the BOTH Monday and Wednesday classes at no additional charge from April-June.
In addition to these open classes, we will have group rehearsals on the following dates.
Please make every effort to be at all rehearsals.
Scheduled group rehearsals we ask that both Warwick and Smithfield students attend:
Monday April 3rd 5:45-8:00pm SMITHFIELD
Wednesday April 5th 5:15-7:30pm WARWICK
Monday April 24th 5:45-8:00pm SMITHFIELD
Wednesday April 26 5:15-7:30pm WARWICK
Monday May 15th 5:45-8:00pm SMITHFIELD
Wednesday May 17th 5:15-7:30pm WARWICK
Monday June 5th 5:45-8:00pm SMITHFIELD
Wednesday June 7th 5:15-7:30pm WARWICK
Monday June 19th 5:45-8:00pm SMITHFIELD
Wednesday June 21st 5:15-7:30pm WARWICK