Covid Safety
Updated 9/20/22.
Policies subject to change. As always, safety continues to be a priority.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we have all navigated through these recent years together.
As the situation evolves, we will continue to adapt in order to provide our clients and employees with the safest environments possible.
*Students cannot come in-studio until given a specific return date by the Studio. We cannot make decisions on day-of-class case notifications. Stay home if your situation is pending.*
1. Covid Positive:
2. Sick:
3. Close Contact:
4. Travel/Social Gatherings
Monitor for Symptoms after travel/large social gatherings.
Applies to students and staff of CDDS.
Absent Email Notice Format:
Email with as much advance notice as possible.
Subject: Absent Dancer, Dancer Name
Include in Email all that apply:
-Student full name:
-Classes and Studio location you attend (ex. Warwick Wednesday 4pm Preschool).
-Date of absence:
-If Covid related, include as much detail as possible (ex. last date in-studio and what classes, close contact date and details, quarantine end date, Covid test date and results, test status of other household members)
Please Note:
What to Bring:
CDDS Community Promise
As government guidelines are expanding and vaccines roll out, we ask our dance family to support a CDDS Community Promise to continue upholding safety as priority. We trust everyone will continue to follow all government and in-Studio guidelines. Please stay up to date on the State Covid recommendations and requirements.
Policies subject to change. As always, safety continues to be a priority.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we have all navigated through these recent years together.
As the situation evolves, we will continue to adapt in order to provide our clients and employees with the safest environments possible.
- Masks optional.
- Only students and staff continue to be allowed in the Studio.
- Never attend if sick, and email the studio immediately if the student tests positive.
- Arrival/dismissal process remains the same (except ALL Warwick classes enter front door, exit back door)
- We will continue a sanitizing protocol, use our HVAC filtration systems.
- Email notices will be sent if there is a positive case in a class. *Please always email us right away if a student tests positive so we can notify families of classes within 48 hours promptly.
- CDDS does not require students to be vaccinated
*Students cannot come in-studio until given a specific return date by the Studio. We cannot make decisions on day-of-class case notifications. Stay home if your situation is pending.*
1. Covid Positive:
- Cannot attend in-studio until after 5 full days from positive test and symptom/fever free for 24 hours. Must wear a mask until day 10 from positive test is complete.
- Test not required to return.
- Positive household member: See close contact below.
2. Sick:
- Cannot come in if they are sick/not feeling well.
- This includes any ONE symptom such as runny nose, fatigue, headache, etc. See CDC page for full list of symptoms.
- Email if will be absent (see absent format below).
3. Close Contact:
- To non-household member: Can continue attending in-studio. Monitor for symptoms.
- To household member: Wear a mask to studio for 5 days after positive test of household member. Monitor for symptoms, test on day 5, email if positive.
4. Travel/Social Gatherings
Monitor for Symptoms after travel/large social gatherings.
Applies to students and staff of CDDS.
Absent Email Notice Format:
Email with as much advance notice as possible.
Subject: Absent Dancer, Dancer Name
Include in Email all that apply:
-Student full name:
-Classes and Studio location you attend (ex. Warwick Wednesday 4pm Preschool).
-Date of absence:
-If Covid related, include as much detail as possible (ex. last date in-studio and what classes, close contact date and details, quarantine end date, Covid test date and results, test status of other household members)
Please Note:
- Students cannot return in-studio until given a specific return date by the Studio. Stay home if your situation is pending.
- The Studio has the right to extend a student’s return in-Studio.
- Per state guidelines: Businesses have the authority to establish and implement policies regarding face masks, distancing or other measures that are more restrictive than the State rules.
- Covid Safety policies set by CDDS may differ from other businesses/schools. Policies subject to change.
- CDDS protocols have kept the Studio successfully operating in-person since June 2020: passing all inspections, maintaining 6ft distance to avoid close contacts and closing classrooms, etc.
- We are trusting that everyone is being honest to uphold the health and safety of our dance family as this is very important to us. Thank you for helping to keep CDDS a safe place!
- Masks optional.
- Do not send dancer if sick, covid positive. Always notify us via email - See Absent Notice format. (CDDS has the right to extend a students return in-Studio from quarantine, travel or testing positive for Covid-19. Each situation is unique and will be addressed on an individual case by case situation.)
- Only students and staff are permitted inside the buildings. Make sure your online account contact information is up to date incase we need to reach you. Anyone doing drop off/pickup should be in your account.
- Arrive ready for class 5 minutes before class begins. If a student does need to use the bathroom or changing room, they may.
- Studio sanitizing protocols are still in place. Everyone sanitizes hands upon entrance and exit. All props, equipment, ballet bars, high touch points are sanitized for classes.
- Warwick and Smithfield Studios have Phenomenal Aire Ionization Generator Technology HVAC system. "Lab verified and certified deactivates Covid-19 with a 99.4% reduction." An ionization generator technology unit that kills viruses, mold and bacteria, and eliminates allergens and odors.
- We cannot always accommodate late arrivals or early dismissals. Students must attend the entire duration of class.
- Parent/Guardian must sign most updated online Required Policies and Agreements upon enrollment.
- Employees have been trained on all Covid Safety Protocols.
- Arrive on time dressed and hair ready for class-no earlier than 5 minutes before class begins.
- Dancer in their dance clothes with their first class shoes and slides on, dance bag in hand!
- Always park in Studio parking lot.
- Parent and dancer line up outside the studio front door. Only staff and dancers allowed in studio.
- Level 3/4/Company parents may remain in vehicle
- *NEW* Warwick Studio: ALL students/classes ENTER the FRONT door.
- Smithfield & Cranston Studios: All classes enter the front door.
- Staff will escort dancers into studio ready for a great class!
What to Bring:
- Preschool/Primary: Small dance bag with tap shoes. No water bottle.
- Primary/Acro Combo: Small bag with Tap shoes, small water bottle.
- Level 1-2 Ballet/Jazz/Tap Combo: Tap and Jazz shoes, small water in small dance bag. Black dance shorts/leggings optional for Jazz/Tap
- Level 3-4 Contemporary/Jazz/Tap Combo: Tap and Jazz shoes, small water in small dance bag. Black dance shorts/leggings optional for Jazz/Tap
- Acro: nothing
- Hip Hop: Hip Hop sneakers in-hand. *Do not wear sneakers worn outside into class.
- Do not bring anything else that is not noted above. If inhaler/medication required notify Studio via email.
- Parent arrive in parking lot 5 minutes before end of class.
- Line up 2 minutes before end of class.
- Dancers will be dismissed to you.
- Level 3/4/Rhy/Jr/Sr parents may remain in vehicle.
- *NEW* Warwick Studio: ALL students/classes EXIT the BACK door.
- Smithfield & Cranston Studios: All classes exit the front entrance.
- Closed Class, Preparatory, Pee Wee Company- Parents meet at the door. Dancers will be dismissed to you one at a time. Pickup person must be 16+ (It's nighttime at pickup, we would like parents to exit cars and get young dancers.)
- Please leave parking lot after pickup, as we will be preparing for the arrival of the next class.
CDDS Community Promise
As government guidelines are expanding and vaccines roll out, we ask our dance family to support a CDDS Community Promise to continue upholding safety as priority. We trust everyone will continue to follow all government and in-Studio guidelines. Please stay up to date on the State Covid recommendations and requirements.
- Per state guidelines: Businesses have the authority to establish and implement policies regarding face masks, distancing or other measures that are more restrictive than the State rules.
- CDDS protocols have kept the Studio successfully operating in-person since June 2020: passing all inspections.
- All three CDDS locations have passed inspection by the DBR Covid Task Force. We are proud to be able to provide a safe happy place for our dancers. Thank you for your trust and dedication to our CDDS family.
- CDDS follows all Covid government regulations, with additional safety precautions, in order to remain open and staff are ready to take care of your children's needs and safety while inside the Studio! Class curriculums have been adapted and smaller class sizes created for Covid safety.